Wednesday, 26 October 2011

How do I setup ports for Mocha VNC [iPhone] when I have two Macs on the router I want to connect to?

So my roommate and I are on the same router. We each have one iMac and one iPhone. We are trying to use Mocha VNC on our iPhones to connect to our Macs. We've gotten each connection to work, but they only work on port 5900 (i.e., I can have his Mac on 5900 and mine on 5901 and his works and mine won't, or I can flip it so I'm on 5900 and he's on 5901 and then mine works and his won't). Obviously, port 5900 can only forward traffic to one IP address (unless I'm ignorant there!)

I'm assuming this is because the Mac itself only has that port available for VNC. How do I either change the port VNC works on for my Mac or open up two ports simultaneously where one forwards VNC traffic to my roommate's iMac and one forwards VNC traffic to my iMac?
How do I setup ports for Mocha VNC [iPhone] when I have two Macs on the router I want to connect to?
open your firewall in your router to route TCP port 5901 to 5901 to 192.168.x.x. then do the same for TCP port 5900 if this isn't already configured. Note this does not run on UDP!