Friday, 16 September 2011

How will the coast guards new mission relating to port security change in organization?

The US Coast Guard has undergone a reorganization but this was due to increase effeciency.

The Coast Guard has always had the mission of Port Security. The only thing that has changed is the increase in authority with the advent of new laws.

What we had was Captain of the Port Authority and 14 USC 89s (our main law giving us LE authority). COTPs are responsible woith the overall safety and security of a port under their control.. These Coast Guard Officers receive authority from the Commandant of the Coast Guard via District Admirals.

33 CFR 6 COTP Authority

鈼?Prevent damage or injury to any vessel or waterfront facility

鈼?Safeguard harbors, ports, territories or waters of the united states

33 CFR Part 6 authorizes the Captain of the Port to issue and enforce COTP orders establishing security zones and regarding vessel movement and operations. 聽 THE COTP has the authority to search and remove any person or article regarded as posing a risk to any vessel or waterfront facility

What is new post 9-11 is the MTSA and PWCS acts. This increases our Law Enforcement authority:

PWCS Authority

33 CFR 1226 Ports and Waterways Security Act

鈼?Prevent Acts of Terrorism

鈼?Identify Measures that the Secretary may emply

46 USC 70118 Maritime Transportation Security Act

鈼?46 USC 70118 allows uniformed Coast Guard LE personnel to carry a firearm ashore.

鈼?While at a facility, such personnel may make an arrest without warrant for any offense against the United States committed in their presence and seize property as otherwise provided by law.

鈼?Unarmed Coast Guard personnel deployed ashore are prohibited from exercising this statute.


搂 Facilities adjacent to the water

搂 Conducting Port Security Ops

搂 Offenses clearly ties to ICG Statutory Missions

Boarding Oficer (Ashore) A USCG Federal LE officer under the command and a direct representative of the COTP

鈥?Carry a Firearm

鈥?taking necessary LE actions to protect property, themselves, and others, as well as using deadly force if necessary

鈥?Protect Property

鈥?Execute Warrantless Arrests

鈥?Execute Search Warrants

In addition to the law, we have MSSTs and Port Security Units, these units are designed to execute the CONUS and OCONUS Port Security missions.