Wednesday, 21 September 2011

I think my ethernet port is bad. How do I change it?

We're having trouble connecting to the internet. I think my ethernet port is going bad. Is this something I can do or do I need to take it to the shop?
I think my ethernet port is bad. How do I change it?
In case you are having troubles with internet follow the following steps

1) In case you are on dial up or high speedd broadband network check if the internet light is on

2) Type the statement on your command prompt (For windows only)

ping If it gives you Either request time out or gives you like 4 requests then your ethernet port is not bad

3) If the above is true use the statment on command prompt for windows XP and above ipconfig/flush dns

Please ensure this is based on my knowledge however try it at your own risk

In case you still think your ethernet port is bad you need to take it to shop to get either repaired or changed.
I think my ethernet port is bad. How do I change it?
if you have a desktop, open it up and pull out the ethernet adapter card, and replace it. if you have a laptop, buy a usb to ethernet adapter