allright guyz i want to setup my ftp server.
i have a tpg internet connection - with a netcomm nb9w router.
there are 3 pc in my lan and a voip phone.
I want to create my pc as the server ( LAN ip -
i want my ftp server to be accessible not only from lan but also from wan.
I am a complete noob at this so plz give nice step by step and detailed instructions ( and plz keep it simple )
Also can u give detailed instructions as to how to change port forwarding addresses in Netcomm nb9w router.
How to setup my ftp server?
First thing we need is software ( FileZilla Server)
You need to be able to configure your router forward port 21 to server IP)
the software should be easy for a any one to control things like
directories to share
Users and access
That easy!