Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Trying to get 360 to work online with friends but it wont work D:?

im in need of some help, i need to forward some ports to play L4D with my friend, my NAT settings are moderate which is ok but hers is strict and we are unable to play D: the ODD thing is, we can join a game that someone else is hosting but when it makes one of us the host, we both loose connection D:!! and i was wondering how do i change ports for my 360? all i can see are my computers and not my 360.
Trying to get 360 to work online with friends but it wont work D:?
You probably have to keep it connected to xbl while you're trying to do it. If you have a lonksys router, then just have you're ISP (Internet Service Provider) go onto the setup page and there should be a tab at the top for gaming. If you have something besides Linksys, then Im sorry, I don't know what to there. ;(
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