I have tried typing the getaway you find when you run cmd. My browser tells me error. I want to access this router but I am not sure my isp allows it. I have done research and found out I have to change router port settings to make downloads via torrents faster. The problem is where is my router and how do I access it.
I get internet from my isp via wifi and I want to configure the router to make bittorrent run faster.How?
did you type it like an address?
you don;t just type in the address bar
you type or whatever your gateway is.
What error are you getting? Do you have the user name and password to be able to log into your router? You will need them.
I get internet from my isp via wifi and I want to configure the router to make bittorrent run faster.How?
Wifi, as in Cell phone broadband. Or Wifi as in CABLE or DSL with a wireless router ?
If you are using DSL or cable, and have wifi, then yes you should be able to access your router by typing in your default gateway into a web browser exp, if this was the default gateway to your router, you would be able to configure the router from there. If this is the case check out www.portforward.com and search for your router type. If you Have wifi, wich is the same type of Broadband that cellphones use, then you will not be able or need to Port forward. If you have windows XP, one suggestoin woudl be to Patch the tcp/ip.sys file to allow more than the default half open connectoins. Google for tutorial on that, there are many. Hope this helps